The conference intends to attract original, pertinent and relevant contributions on the technological,
organizational and social dimensions of the largely multidisciplinary field of Enterprise Information Systems,
which includes, among others, ERP, CRM, eMarketplaces and extended ERP.
Recommended topics include (but are not limited to) the following.
Competitiveness and market share among solution providers;
Cybersecurity and data protection
e-Business and e-Commerce;
EIS in large companies;
EIS in micro enterprises;
EIS in SMEs;
EIS subsystems (CRM, SCM, etc.);
Electronic Marketplace solutions;
EIS subsystems (CRM, SCM, etc.);
Emerging technologies;
Enterprise 2.0;
Enterprise Social Media applications and challenges;
ERP integration of functions and virtual/extended/networked enterprises;
Industry 4.0;
Information Systems integration;
In-house development, off-the-shelf solutions and open source solutions;
Intelligent Systems and Data Science;
Internet of Things
IT (out)sourcing;
Management of legacy systems.
Market of services;
Parameterization and flexible adaptation;
Process Mining;
Reliability, maintenance and dependency on solution and services suppliers.
Business Process Management;
Collaboration and networked and virtual organizations;
Digital Transformation;
Enterprise and IS architecture design, modeling and integration;
Strategic use of EIS;
Information security;
Information systems for sustainable economy.
IT/IS Management;
Management of change;
Problems of information sharing and migration of processes;
Public-private, service-oriented enterprises;
Strategic use of EIS;
The impact of new technology on the organization;
Education and training;
Ethical issues of EIS;
IT human resources;
Resistance to change;
Trust and confidence in new technology.